Saturday, August 31, 2019

Aristotle’s Ideas in the Modern Work Environment

Aristotle in the Modern Work Environment In Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, every point, every major idea, and every argument made, is all connected back to the concept that every action seeks an ultimate good. Aristotle felt that there is an intrinsic good that humans aim for and that there is this â€Å"good life† we all mean to have. However, what does it mean to be good? That means something different to everyone; we all inhabit many different roles in our day to day lives, whether we strive to be a good parent, a good sibling, a good student, a good citizen, or a good leader.All emphasize the importance of our own well-being, as well as that of others, and the greater community as a whole. For the purpose of this paper, the focus will be on work relationships, what it means to promote a good work environment, and how Aristotle's ideas relate to the modern work community. First, we will examine the characteristics of a great place to work, and then we will examine how each of Aristotle's main ideas on civic relationships relate to these modern work relationships.Whether the association is that of an employee and an employer, a buyer and a seller, or even a manager and an investor, each relationship has common business ideas and common human needs. Sometimes companies get so caught up in the business ideas that the human needs become null. However, the most successful companies are the ones who are able to excel at both the business practices as well the care of their employees. So what defines a â€Å"great† place to work?Is it the business with the most elaborate holiday parties, the one with the highest paid employees, or perhaps is it the business that places value in the intangibles, such as trust, communication, and strong leadership? To define the traits of a positive work environment, we will examine the Great Place to Work website, who every year, partners with 5,000 plus companies and conducts a survey to find out exactly what a great workplace means. Essentially, a great work environment can be defined by three main factors; employees trust the people they work for, they have pride in what they do, and they enjoy the people they work with.Of these three, it is the mutual trust that employees and employers have in one another that sets the foundation for a successful company. An employer can build trust with their workers by having credibility for the work output and treating them with respect and fairness. This in turn, creates a loyal employee who is dedicated to producing their highest quality of work as well as motivating others to do the same. Whether the business is a small ma-pop store, or a Fortune 500 corporation, all have the ability to achieve a cohesive work environment.The best of both an employee and an employer can be explained by Aristotle's views on happiness, the virtues and deliberation, justice, and friendship. All are interconnected, and when applied to a professional setting, help to promot e an work environment that is beneficial for the company, but more importantly, the human good. Aristotle's most important concept is that of human happiness because happiness in and of itself was reaching the end good. According to him, humans have three parts to their soul.The first is the most basic, a vegetative state in which all living things share in which we are satisfying our most basic of needs. The next level is that reason that is grounded in emotion. The two are grounded in each other, and therefore, can be swayed by each other, such in that our emotions can influence our reason. Aristotle believed that true happiness was engaging the highest activity of the soul, our capacity for thought. He believed that happiness was â€Å"the human good [that proves to be] the activity of the soul in accord with virtue. In other words, a person living life to the fullest was the person pursuing their purpose in life with action, and reaching a certain amount of excellence in that p urpose. In turn, that will bring a true state of happiness. The best way to bring about this state of individual happiness is through community. In terms of a business community, it is the responsibility of the leaders to promote an environment that focuses on establishing a worker's strength, discovering his or her potential, and then developing that potential in order to fulfill that person's purpose.In the business world, we see people all the time who feel their work is not fulfilling and lacking in purpose. These are also the kinds of people we see that show up to work and complete the bare minimum necessary for obtaining their paycheck. An employer who wants to have a successful company needs to promote the kind of work that is in their employees' best interests and allows them to feel useful each and every day. A happy employee will be more invested in the business's day to day operations, as well as the overall success of the organization.The discussion of happiness leads to Aristotle's next major ideas, those of the virtues and deliberation. A happy person will be someone who lives in accordance with the virtues. He is neither too much of one thing, or not enough of another, he is in the middle of two extremes. Aristotle explained the virtues to be a perception of the right thing to do or the appropriate response when faced with a certain situations. The good decision lies in the virtue that is between what Aristotle called the â€Å"vices of excess† and the â€Å"vices of deficiency. For example, cowardliness would be a vice of deficiency, foolhardiness would be a vice of excess, and courage in the middle of these two would be the right decision. Aristotle's virtues can be broken down in two ways: intellectually and morally. Intellectual virtue comes from education, which must be taught over a length of time. Moral virtue, on the other hand, comes from habit. They are virtues that need to be learned, and that is accomplished by actually pract icing it. People become virtuous by performing virtuous acts, and the more they are practiced, the more the virtue becomes a part of one's disposition.Although moral virtues are reactions due to habit or practice to respond in certain ways, Aristotle believed virtues are cultivated through deliberation. One must think about the situation he or she is in, and contemplate as to what good could be achieved in that situation. In deliberation, one must consider the â€Å"ends† he or she is trying to ultimately reach, and make a decision about the best way to go about achieving that end result. Virtues and the deliberative process are involved everyday in the business world.A person's virtues guide his decisions, and decisions have to be made on a daily basis when it comes to a business's operations, finances, resources, customers, or even future goals. A company therefore needs their leader to be virtuous in order to make the kinds of decisions that will be in everyone's best inte rest. A leader that is virtuous will desire to be good and do good, therefore he will make decisions that are fair. This engages one of the fundamental traits of a Great Place to Work, and that is the leader promotes an connection based on trust between himself and his employees.When employees believe their boss is contemplating the best course of action when faced with a certain situation, they can trust him to make a sound and virtuous judgment. The trust that is built here translates into respect for their superiors, and when employees respect the people they work for, the entire organization is given the opportunity to run smoothly and cohesively. Another of Aristotle's virtues that he specifically singles out is justice. It includes all other virtues under its umbrella, because to be just is to consider all the other virtues and act in a virtuous way.In this case, he is not describing the kind of justice to exact on a criminal, but rather justice in that a person gets what he d eserves. Justice must maintain a certain balance in which advantages and disadvantages are equal. In Aristotle's opinion, greed or the desire to have more than one’s due counteracts his idea of distributive justice. In this concept, wealth among the community would be spread out among its members, with everyone receiving their fair share according to their virtue. He believed the economy was not driven by a â€Å"guiding hand† but by reciprocity.A successful economy distributes goods not to satisfy an individual's best interest, but to facilitate exchanges within the community, with the ultimate goal being people living the life they want in accordance with their virtues. The most virtuous people make the most significant contributions to the community, and therefore are of the highest merit. His concept of distributive justice enables the greatest privilege to go to those with the most virtue, and not those with the most money, the most power, or the most inside conne ctions.The best places to work are the ones that are most just. They exhibit all the virtues in the best sense, but most of all, the people within the company benefit from an environment of fairness, for both the employees and the employers. In order to maintain the balance of justice, not one employee is treated with an unfair share of disadvantages and therefore carries too much of a burden. On the other hand, not one employee enjoys an unfair share of advantages and therefore is overly privileged.Everyone is cooperating together and this kind of justice only facilitates the inner workings of a business in a way that contributes to the overall success of the company. It also promotes a fair merit-based system that rewards promotions and other benefits fairly. If employees know that privileges will be handed down based on highest merit, and not unfairly based on seniority, or inside connections, they will be motivated to work hard and produce their best work, which in the end, only builds a more successful business.The last of Aristotle's main ideas we will discuss is friendship, and how in a certain way it connects all of Aristotle's main ideas together. Very simply put, friendship can be defined as wishing each other well and there being a mutual awareness of good will between two individuals. Aristotle then classifies three types of friendships: those based in utility, those based in pleasure, and those based in character. A friendship based in utility, occurs when two people can benefit from each other. By doing the same thing, both gain an equal advantage in the relationship.This kind of friendship is a temporary situation because it is based in two individuals being useful to each other, rather than any enjoyment they have it the person. If the usefulness ends, the purpose of the relationship disappears, and therefore so does the relationship itself. A friendship for pleasure happens when two people enjoy the other's company and have a common interest i n doing a certain activity together. In this case, doing the activity in the company of another makes the activity more enjoyable than if it had be done alone.This kind of friendship is also temporary because the relationship lasts only as long as the two individuals share the common interest. The strongest and most enduring of friendships are also the rarest kind, and those are friendships based in character. This relationship occurs when two people admire the quality of the other person and find common ground in their virtues. They develop a long-lasting friendship that develops over time as they get to know one another. It is a very selfless kind of relationship as there are no motivating factors these individuals seek in one another.They accept each other for who they are and encourage each other to find the â€Å"goodness† in what they pursue. Friendships of character connect the ideas of virtue, justice, and happiness together. The basis of a good friend is that the fri end is good in and of himself. He realizes his best self in accordance with the virtues, and will encourage a friend of similar virtue to seek his best self. He who acts in accordance with all the virtues is just, and justice in its fullest sense is friendliness. Both justice and friendliness inhabit the idea of distributive justice.Not in an economical sense, but friends of utility, pleasure, or goodness equally exchange advantages consistent with the type of friendship they share. If there is an unequal distribution of disadvantages in friendships of utility or pleasure, then the relationship will disintegrate. Therefore, among true friends that is based on character, there is no need for justice. Those who actively engage in friendships are also the happiest. Humans are not meant to live in solitude, and it is by engaging those around them and participating in the community that one will find the good in others, the good in the community, and the good in life.Friendship in the wo rkplace bolsters the idea of camaraderie among employees and employers. When people enjoy the other people they work with, they're surrounded by a positive environment that enables them to work at their highest potential. this doesn't mean that people's work environments have to be filled with their best friends, but instead should feel a friendliness towards their peers out of a sharing their professional lives together and a common interest to meet their business goals.The most likely of friendships to be found in a work environment are friendships of utility or pleasure. Every person within an organization may have separate goals, but all share the same goal of seeing the company do well. The success of the business will benefit everyone as long as they work together. It's also likely that people within the same line of business will share some of the same interests. This commonality between workers can be the foundation for them to work together effectively and support each othe r in their work.The rarest kind of work friendship would be that based in character. It is likely that you may share some of the same professional values, but people are so different that it's rare to come together on a work platform and build a lasting relationship. However, hopefully people within the business can at least appreciate the quality of their peers and superiors, even if they don't fully admire them. The best kinds of work environments are the one that exhibit all Aristotle's main ideas, such as happiness, virtue, deliberation, justice, and friendship, to their fullest.Environments that remain open to dialogue and respect, that recognize differences among people as a unifying force rather than a dividing one and utilize people's strengths to their greatest potential are the kind of work environments that Aristotle would promote. While it may be hard for a business to maintain the best environment all the time, as long as it stays true to its ethical business principles , and as long as its leaders strive to meet the human needs of its employees and well as the goals of the company, then I would consider that a great place to work.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Importance of Grades

Importance of Grades Grading and reporting are relatively recent phenomena in education. In fact, prior to 1850, grading and reporting were virtually unknown in schools in the United States. The teacher reported student’s learning progress orally to parents, usually during visits to students' homes. As the number of students increased in the late 1800s, schools began to group students in grade levels according to their age, and new ideas about curriculum and teaching methods were tried. One of these new ideas was the use of formal progress evaluations of students' work, in which teachers wrote down the skills each student had mastered and those on which additional work was needed. This was done primarily for the students' benefit, since they were not permitted to move on to the next level until they demonstrated their mastery of the current one. It was also the earliest example of a narrative report card. In essence, grading is an exercise in professional judgment on the part of teachers. It involves the collection and evaluation of evidence on students' achievement or performance over a specified period of time, such as nine weeks, an academic semester, or entire school year. Through this process, various types of descriptive information and measures of student’s performance are converted into grades or marks that summarize students' accomplishments. Although some educators distinguish between grades and marks, most consider these terms synonymous. Both imply a set of symbols, words, or numbers that are used to designate different levels of achievement or performance. They might be letter grades such as A, B, C, D, and F; Descriptive words such as Exemplary, Satisfactory, and Needs Improvement; or numerals such as 4, 3, 2, and 1. Reporting is the process by which these judgments are communicated to parents, students, or others. However, grades do not come easy to some students. College is really a student’s last chance to get good grades and the noteworthy chance for a person to prove himself to the world. Having said that, grades are very important because they determine the length of time you spend getting your degree, the kind of job you receive, and the livelihood of your future. Continuing to get good grades is a sure way of getting your degree in a timely the working world. Maintaining a 3. 0 GPA is characteristic in being considered for the top jobs in today’ s world. Many companies are only looking for the top scholars in their academic field. You will be compensated for the amount of knowledge that you have. Good grades act as the prerequisites of your future. Therefore, it is up to you to expand with hard work, discipline, and the ability to excel. Excellence is the key to success in the 21st Century. Despite such difficulties in understanding the exact meanings of grades and the GPA, they remain important social metrics and sometimes yield heated discussions over issues such as grade inflation. Although grade inflation has many different meanings, it usually is defined by an increase in the absolute number of As and Bs over some period of years. The tacit assumption here seems to be that any continuing increase in the overall percentage of â€Å"good grades† or in the overall GPA implies a corresponding decline in academic standards. Although historically there have been periods in which the number of good grades decreased significantly. Social concerns usually only accompany the grade inflation pattern. As discussed in essay â€Å"A’s for Everyone. † By Alicia C. Shepard, James Mooney stated â€Å"Certainly there are students who are victims of grade inflation in secondary school,† said Mooney. â€Å"They come to college, and the grading system is much more rigorous. That's one of the most difficult things to convey to the students. If you're getting a B, you're doing well in a course. † When college instructors are asked about the reasons for their emphasis on grades, they report that student behaviors – such as arguing over the scoring of a single question – make it necessary for them to maintain strict and well-defined grading standards in their classrooms. What seems missing in this context is a clear recognition by both the instructor and the student that grades are best construed as a type of communication. When grades are thought about in this way, they can be used to improve learning. Only when grades are integrated into a coherent teaching and learning strategy do they serve the purpose of providing useful and {text:bookmark-start} meaningful {text:bookmark-end} feedback not only to the larger culture but to the individual student as well. Few issues have created more controversy among educators than those associated with grading and reporting student learning. Despite the many debates and multitudes of studies, however, prescriptions for best practice remain elusive. Although teachers generally try to develop grading policies that are honest and fair, strong evidence shows that their practices vary widely, even among those who teach at the same grade level within the same school. Letter grades, for example, offer parents and others a brief description of student’s achievement and the adequacy of their performance. But using letter grades requires the abstraction of a great deal of information into a single symbol. In addition, the cut-offs between grades are always arbitrary and difficult to justify. Letter grades also lack the richness of other, more detailed reporting methods such as narratives or standards-based reports. Parents often are left wondering if their child's achievement is comparable with that of other children or in line with the teacher's expectations. Nowadays Parents are more concerned with the grades as mentioned by Alicia Shepard in the essay, â€Å"There's a term for the legions of parents like me. The parents who make sure to get the teacher's e-mail and home phone number on Back to School Night. The kind who e-mail teachers when their child fails a quiz. The kind who apply the same determination to making sure their child excels academically that they apply to the professional world. We are called â€Å"helicopter parents† because we hover over everything our kids do like Secret Service agents guarding the president. †Most students view high grades as positive recognition of their success, and some work hard to avoid the consequences of low grades. Although educators would undoubtedly prefer that motivation to learn be entirely intrinsic, the existence of grades and other reporting methods are important factors in determining how much effort students put forth. No single grading method adequately serves all purposes, schools must first identify their primary purpose for grading, and then select or develop the most appropriate approach. This process involves the difficult task of seeking consensus among diverse groups of stakeholders. The issues of grading and reporting on student learning continue to challenge educators. However, more is known at the beginning of the twenty-first century than ever before about the complexities involved and how certain practices can influence teaching and learning. To develop grading and reporting practices that provides quality information about student learning requires clear thinking, careful planning, excellent communication skills, and an overriding concern for the well-being of students. Combining these skills with current knowledge on effective practice will surely result in more efficient and more effective grading and reporting practices. Shepard, Alicia. â€Å"A’s for Everyone. † The Contemporary Reader. 9th ed. Ed. Gary Gosggarian. New York: Pearson, 2008. 417-422.

Compiler Design 2

Outline s Refreshing †¦ Uncensored †¦ Groundbreaking †¦. The Dr. Wang’s original lecture: s s s s s Tutorial of Design Compiler s s Introduction Setting Up the Tutorial Graphical Interface The Alarm Clock Design Setting Design Environment Setting Design Constraints Overview of Optimization Phases Analysis of Report DC Tutorial – 2 Introduction s s s Introduction s s s s The Synthesis Process Design Compiler Products Synthesis Programs and Tools Design Styles Input and Output Formats User Interfaces Script Files DC Tutorial – 4 The Synthesis Process Start Rewrite Verilog Code Read in Design Set Attributes Set Realistic Timing Goal Check Design Errors No Yes Fix Bugs Change Constraints Modify Compile Attributes Ungroup Design Blocks The DC Products s DC Professional – No multi-frequency clocking, latch-based time borrowing, pipeline re-timing, critical path resynthesis, in-place optimization, and incremental editing s DC Expert – Include features for maximizing performance s FPGA Compiler – Targets only FPGA technology Optimize No Good? Yes Done DC Tutorial – 5 DC Tutorial – 6 1 Synthesis Tools HDL Design Analyzer HDL Compilers DesignWare DesignWare Developer Architectural Optimization s s Architectural Optimization Gate-Level s s Design Analyzer Logic Optimization Design Compilers Cell Library Library Compiler s s Arithmetic Optimization Timing and Area-Based Resource Sharing Sub-expression Removal Constraint-Driven Resource Selection Inference of Synthetic Part (DesignWare) For more information – HDL Compiler for Verilog Reference Manual Optimized Gate-level Netlist DC Tutorial – 7 DC Tutorial – 8 DesignWare s DesignWare Developer Provide a library of high-level design components – Adders, Multiplier, etc. s s The HDL compiler will select the proper components for you based on your timing and area goals See Documentation Collection (open collection) – Synopsys DesignWare 1997. 01 s Create DesignWare Libraries DC Tutorial – 9 DC Tutorial – 10 DC Products s Cell Library s Library of basic cells used by DC – AND, OR, XOR, etc. s Optimize your design at the gate level Using selected cell libraries s For FPGA compiler, it may contain more complex cells – Xilinx CLBs, IOBs, etc. DC Tutorial – 11 DC Tutorial – 12 2 Library Compiler Design Styles s Yes, you can create your own cell libraries s s Hierarchical or Flatten Combinational or Sequential DC Tutorial – 13 DC Tutorial – 14 Input Formats s s s s Output Formats s s s s s VHDL Verilog PLA & EDIF 2. 00 Xilinx XNF s Synopsys binary format (. db files) VHDL Verilog EDIF 2. 00 Equation, LSI Logic, Mentor Graphics, PLA, state table, Tegas formats Xilinx XNF format DC Tutorial – 15 DC Tutorial – 16 User Interfaces s Scripts s shell> dc_shell – – – – – – – – – unix-like command shell dc_shell> quit dc_shell> cd my_dir dc_shell> alias wv write -f verilog dc_shell> pwd dc_shell> history n dc_shell> list -command dc_shell> man dc_shell> sh â€Å"lpr † s s s s shell> design_analyzer graphical interface DC Tutorial – 17 A set of command can be put together into a file called â€Å"script† Then, you don’t need to re-type some the commands again and again when using the dc_shell Scripts for this tutorial will be provided for your reference You can run them when you are home without the X-window capability DC Tutorial – 18 3 Locate Documentation s s s s s s s shell> design_analyzer & select Help –> On-Line Documentation †¦. Ignore the square window with â€Å"Titles† – select Cancel to close it – focus on the one with â€Å"File, Edit, View †¦Ã¢â‚¬  select File –> Open Collection select Synopsys Synthesis Tools 1997. 1 and then click OK select Documents Formatted for Printing and then click Open In the â€Å"File, Edit, View †¦Ã¢â‚¬  window, now you can select a list of on-line documents DC Tutorial – 19 Setting Up the Tutorial Setting Up the Tutorial s s s s Creating The Directories s >cp -r /baby/synopsys/doc/syn/tutorial . Home Directory tutorial Creating the directories Setting paths and aliases Creating a start-up file Running tutorial with scripts db/ verilog/ vhdl/ appendix_A/ Script files work (empty) DC Tutorial – 21 DC Tutorial – 22 Path s s .synopsys_dc. s etup file %> source /usr/local/bin/setup. synopsys Or you can put it in . cshrc file – %> source . cshrc – %> rehash s s You can take a look of the setup file – %> more /usr/local/bin/setup. synopsys s Creating a . synopsys_dc. setup file can overwrite system default settings %> cp ~/tutorial/. sysnopsys_dc. setup ~/. synopsys_dc. setup %> vi ~/. synopsys_dc. setup – company = â€Å"Motorola Somerset†; – designer = â€Å"CEO†; – view_background = â€Å"while†; s It basically setup the right environmental variables for you DC Tutorial – 23 DC Tutorial – 24 4 More about setup file s Scripts s s %> more . synopsys_dc. setup – search_path = { } + search_path – link_library †¦ target_library †¦ symbol_library †¦ define_design_lib †¦ s s s s s search_path = {a directory} + search_path – if you cp tutorial into a directory other than home link_library: location of subdesgins referenced by the design target_library: identify technology libraries symbol_library: identify symbols library for generating/viewing schematics define_design_lib: identify a temporary place to store intermediate files created by the analyzer DC Tutorial – 25 No X-Window, No Problem Find script files in ~/tutorial/appendix_A/. See Design Analyzer Reference Manual for more detail DC Tutorial – 26 Graphical Interface s s Start: %> design_analyzer & Quit: Select File –> Quit Menu Bar Graphical Interface View Buttons Level Buttons Scroll Bar Message Area (view_background = â€Å"while†;) View Window DC Tutor ial – 28 Mouse Buttons s Check Default Setup s Setup –> Defaults †¦ Left Button – Select design and design objects s Mid Button – Add or remove objects from a group of objects already selected s Right Button Bring up the pop-up menu DC Tutorial – 29 DC Tutorial – 30 5 Read in a Design s Save a Design s File –> – analyze & elaborate – read File –> Save or Save As †¦ – Once a design is selected s analyze : – read in VHDL/Verilog; check for syntax and synthesizale logic; store as intermediate formats – Use to read each sub-design + top level design s elaborate : – create the design from intermediate formats; determine the correct bus size; Use for top level design + sub-design with parameters passing in s read : read design formats other than HDL (db, PLA, tc. ) DC Tutorial – 31 DC Tutorial – 32 A Design Has 4 Views s s s s s Design View s Design View Symbol View Sc hematic View Hierarchy View T View (No Use) After â€Å"read† in all 13 verilog files in the tutorial directory – you first enter the Design View DC Tutorial – 33 DC Tutorial – 34 Symbol View s Schematic View s Select TIME_STATE_MACHINE and double-click on it -> you enter the symbol view of the design Click on the â€Å"schematic view† button on the left hand side DC Tutorial – 35 DC Tutorial – 36 6 Hierarchy View s Design View Icons s s s s Click the up arrow (left hand side) to go back to design view; doubleclick on TOP; Select View –> Change View –> Hierarchy – TOP contains 6 modules Netlist: read in as a netlist and optimized to gates Equation: In VHDL, Verilog, or equation format that is partially or completely behavioral PLA: Specified in PLA format State Table: Specified in state table format Y=A+B 010-0 1-101 PLA State Table Netlist Equation DC Tutorial – 37 DC Tutorial – 38 Command Window s dc_shell Commands Setup –> Command Window †¦ s For more information, – see Design Compiler Reference Manual: Fundamentals DC Tutorial – 39 DC Tutorial – 40 Design Attributes s Operating Environment Sub-menu s Attributes are values you set to control the optimization process – Select Attributes from the menu s The Attributes menu provide access to – – – – – – – Set input and output delays Set drive strengths set loads Characterize subdesigns Select operating conditions Choose a wire load model Create or modify a clock DC Tutorial – 41 Set design properties that describes the internal conditions of a design and the design’s interaction with its surrounding – drive strength on ports – the time that signals arrive on ports – load driven by output ports DC Tutorial – 42 7 Optimization Constraints s Design Optimization s Set the goal for design optimization – largest delay allowed – greatest area allowed Select Tools –> Design Optimization – See Design Compiler Reference Manual: Optimization and Timing Analysis for more detail s Two set-constraint windows – Design Constraints window †¢ Goals for area and power †¢ Design rules implied by technology library †¢ Test-related constraints (testability) – Timing Constraints window †¢ Timing constraints s DC Tutorial – 43 DC Tutorial – 44 Locating Problems s Generate Report s Before and after optimization, use Schematic View and Check Design to locate problems – Generate schematic view – Select Analysis –> Check Design – Jump to a design object †¢ Click on an error or warning message in the Design error window †¢ Click on the show button Analysis –> Report †¦ DC Tutorial – 45 DC Tutorial – 46 Run a Script File s Setup –> Execute Script – check out ~/tutorial/appendix_A/*. script – dc_shell> include The Alarm Clock Design DC Tutorial – 47 8

Thursday, August 29, 2019

ENG C291 Probabilistic Methods in Structural Engineering ( Curriculum Essay

ENG C291 Probabilistic Methods in Structural Engineering ( Curriculum BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING IN CIVIL) - Essay Example echniques for providing significant mathematical measures for designing reliable and secure structures, which are more oriented towards maintaining their elevation and integrity, without being distracted or disturbed by external/internal calamities. Structural engineering is sub-domain of engineering, which deals with the evaluation and analysis of large/small structural designs, offering self-sustenance, reliability, and load resistance features. As part of the civil engineering and architecture designing discipline; this particular subject carries a very deep association with the art of mathematical modeling, geometrical designing, proportion-based physical calculations, etc. As can be witnessed practically; the two common factors between all the structural samples are integrity and reliability, which are often achieved through precise mathematical and statistical calculations. In this regard, generally, the structures over which calculations or analysis is performed, are called structural systems (more technically, filtering systems). According to Augusti et al. (1984), these systems are roughly defined by three important aspects, which shape their overall integrity. These aspects include ‘input’ to the system q uantities acting over the system, system quantities which are pre-included part of any system, and ‘output’ quantities, which are resulted from a system. With these in hand, an engineer working on these structures (systems) can take necessary actions for analyzing structural properties, and set different regulatory parameters, for the sake of reliability and integrity assurance. For instance, a system (structure) can be considered, which has its foundations on a horizontal plane. This system is getting influenced by external horizontal and vertical forces on fixed and arbitrary upper ends, and is leaning slightly towards one end, which is decided by the vector product of both forces. Within this system, the horizontal and vertical forces can be

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Level 3 Research Statistics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Level 3 Research Statistics - Assignment Example Online journal articles Websites of the regulatory bodies Medical websites Reliability and Validity of information Printed information Oral information Electronic information Based on facts Data collection procedure explained Analysis made open to verification Concurs with other independently published material. Cross verify by asking multiple individuals Verify against previously ascertained data Based on facts Data collection procedure explained Analysis made open to verification Concurs with other independently published material. 5. Introduction: The effects of alcohol on various cognitive processes are well documented. There is evidence that even at low BAC’s there can be significant impairing of key psycho-motor functions that are implicated in driving, including vision, perception, tracking, attention and information processing. The effects of alcohol are also affected by habit, gender, age, weight and emotional state. Burns and Moskowitz (1977) have found that chronic drinkers show less impairment on the surface as compared to occasional drinkers. The same alcohol consumption leads to differing BAC levels depending on the weight of the drinker. Women are more likely to show impairment as compared to men with the same amount of alcohol consumption (Howat et. al.; 1991). ... Vision is significantly impaired by alcohol consumption, in that there is a tendency to focus centrally, with less use of peripheral vision; such that the ability to us peripheral vision is impaired (Buikhuisen and Jongman, 1972). Apparently, alcohol consumption causes a narrowing of the field of vision. Other data has shown that this impairment, though significant, is not enough to account for crashes. Other evidence suggests that the problem is more explainable by the impairment of perception. Alcohol reduces the individuals’ ability to process perceptually complex information. This may explain why simple driving conditions are not particularly impaired, as compared to complex conditions brought about by multiple stimuli present on city streets (Adams and Brown, 1975). Tracking – in driving conditions the steering of the vehicle – is a very complex activity under the best of circumstances. Even minor impairment seems to have significant effects of steering beha viour as it requires activation of multiple faculties (Drew et al., 1959). The mind stores information under different classifications, creating a complex mental structure. When requires, activation of the relevant parts of this structure allow us to use the necessary information. Alcohol inhibits this ability of the brain to access information; and also makes the interpretation of presented information more difficult (Attwood, 1978). It has been found that response times lengthen under the effect of alcohol, an effect seen more prominently as the number of stimuli keeps increasing (Boyd et al., 1962). Attention is among the first of the psycho-motor abilities to be affected by alcohol, making the task of gathering information more

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Course Project 5 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Course Project 5 - Case Study Example Today’s turbulent economic conditions make it hard make structured decisions and long term planning; information is the most required asset for organizations who want to be able to respond instantaneously to changing factors and micro-blogging websites like twitter are quickly becoming the fastest sources of news there are- providing instant and relevant updates. Answer 2. Twitter is a global platform which is accessed by people all over the world. It is a free and very popular social media site and can be invaluable for global organizations who want to communicate on a frequent basis and in a personal way with their employees. With the ‘tweets’, the organization can share news and any relevant information; if the employees are subscribed to the channel, they will receive those tweets on their homepage without any need for a formal communication process. With things like retweeting and replying back, the employees living in any geographical location can directly talk to administration and because of the transparency of the platform can even receive comments or initiate a discussion with other employees. The connectivity provided lets employees talk about operations and strategies in an informal way. The use of humor which is rampant on Twitter changes the tone of the conversation, giving everyone the same amount of conversational authority and may help overcome barriers of cultural differences as you just have 140 characters to make your point. This leads to a more collaborative environment and better idea generation, effecting the overall operations. Answer 3. The instant connectivity allowed by twitter can be utilized by Project Managers very effectively to keep in touch with their employees. A dedicated project twitter profile can be updated with news, important information or used to communicate with employees on an instantaneous basis. It can also prove to be a good forum to share about any setbacks or milestones

Monday, August 26, 2019

Seung-Hui Cho Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Seung-Hui Cho - Essay Example The paper then advances to two theories: rational choice and social learning in attempt to explain the Seung case. A background of each theory is provided, and each theory is applied to give an explanation to the case. In its conclusion, a personal opinion is provided in the paper to reflect on possible explanation of the case. Description of the Case Seung-Hui Cho studied at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and was a part of state varsity team. On the 16th of April 2007 Seung, a fourth year student undertaking a course in English, went on a shooting spree having killed 32 people and injuring another 25 people (Nizza, 2012). At the time of the incident Seung born in 1984 was 23 years old. This tragedy is referred to as the â€Å"Virginia Tech massacre†. Seung followed up the shooting spree by taking his own life after law enforcement agents breached the doors where the incidence took place. Seung was born in South Korea. His family moved to the US when he was 8 years old. He was a US permanent resident (Brunt, 2012). During his years in the middle school, Seung got diagnosed of a depressive disorder and a severe anxiety disorder referred to as selective mutism. Seung received therapy for this diagnosis until his years in junior high school (Nicolletti, 2009). Seung elicited concerns among his family for his behavior as a child. His relatives believed he was mentally ill. Most of his family members interviewed after the â€Å"Virginia Tech massacre† noted that he was extremely shy and did not mix up with other kids to play. He gets reported as a child who rarely talked (Nizza, 2012). At Virginia Tech, Seung got to raise significant concern in regards to instances of his abnormal behavior and the violence referenced in his plays and writings. After the massacre, a report provided by a panel convened by Tim Kaine, then Virginia governor, gave an explanation to the shooting (Nicolletti, 2009). The report dwelled on Seung’s troubled past and conde mned the mental health professionals and educators who handled Seung for their failure to notice his deteriorating condition and offer him help. The report also questioned the gun laws and gaps in the mental health system of Virginia. Notably, though, the report primarily blamed Seung for his massacre and for not seeking medical help because of his condition. Theories This paper shall aim at discussing Seung’s case using two theories: rational choice theory and social learning theory. Rational Choice Theory In accordance with the rational choice theory, an individual is said to weigh the options of cost and benefits, means and ends before making a rational choice (Samaha, 2005). Rational choice in this sense refers to both what different people may view as either sane or crazy acts. As long as one gets to rationalize his choice of committing a crime, then the crime is explainable. The basis of rational choice is that individuals try to be at their best under any situation. Hu man behavior gets determined by reinforcements in the form of rewards and punishments (Samaha, 2005). Before undertaking whatever actions they plan to take, all human beings calculate the costs and benefits of their actions. Individuals may undertake crimes since they find it easy, satisfying or fun. In the act of undertaking a crime, an individual may base it on personal factors, such as revenge, entertainment, target victim’s vulnerability or police. A supporting theory of rational choice is the routine activities theory which got advanced by Cohen and Felson. As a subsidiary to the rational choice theory, a routine activities postulates that three factors must be present for crime to occur. The three are: the potential

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Haiti Research Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Haiti Research - Assignment Example Later on, the Haitians had an election and Duvalier rose to power as their president but unluckily, he turned out to be a great dictator an a ruthless leader (Cerda et al. 4). His reign was characterized by massive killings, embezzlement of funds, and corruption in every sector of the government. Due to this kind of leadership, the citizen suffered a lot as they became poorer with time. Development projects could not start, nor continue, since the government of Haiti could not afford the finances required. Unfortunately, in the year 2010, a high magnitude earthquake struck the country and led to massive destruction of property, death of many people and left a great number of Haitians homeless (Cerda et al. 7). This research paper shows the relationship between what happened during the early days in Haiti, and the aftermath of the great earthquake, connecting it to the current situation of this country. Haiti and France had a settlement deal in 1928, which demanded Haiti to repay a large amount of money to the French Government (Cerda et al. 11). Haiti was a very poor country by then and could not afford the money as demanded. The France however demanded that it had to be repaid this money it in order for it to identify the country’s independence, which it had attained in the year 1804 (Cruise 2). Additionally, the French government required Haiti to compensate it since it had lost a very important slavery colony, and most of their soldiers had died in the wars. Haiti government found trouble repaying this large amount of money (which amounted to 150 million francs) as it had no finances left (Cerda et al. 6). Fortunately, the France Government reduced the amount to 60 million francs, which had to be repaid in a period of thirty years. Boyer, who was the president of Haiti by then, made a very large first payment to France in order for them to recognize Haiti’s indepe ndence (Cruise 5). The payment led to economic problems in Haiti during

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Ethics in Small Groups Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ethics in Small Groups - Essay Example Every member provided his best and worked hard to produce a quality assignment. In the spirit of collective ideas, every member worked hard on their specific parts of the presentation thus making work easier.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Group members extensively used technology including WhatsApp, emails, and phone calls to connect. The approach helped to save time and facilitated the progress updates. In addition, the group members met in the library and Alexander Hall.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I learned that teamwork and division of roles according to individuals’ strengths significantly improves output level. Besides, a team should help one another to enhance their skills. I also learned that that working with a small group is fun and easy. Small groups enjoy privileges of efficient communication, problem-solving, and natural decision-making. Fallen leaders and ethical deterioration Based on the theme of Fallen leaders and ethical deterioration, I gained significant insights about visionary and strategic leadership. I intend to utilize the knowledge to guide my future decision-making process to minimize failures caused by the unsound decision. Furthermore, the teachings shall help me to navigate through leadership platforms keeping in mind that integrity, sound judgment, and right public image are earned based on good leadership skills (Mendonca & Kanungo 2006).

Friday, August 23, 2019

Outline and critically assess Max Webers concept of the iron cage in Essay

Outline and critically assess Max Webers concept of the iron cage in relation to the rationalisation of work in the modern world - Essay Example assess it in relation to the rationalization of work in the modern world, the paper offers a consistent examination of Max Weber’s thought and teaching on rationality, bureaucracy and capitalism. Weber viewed bureaucracy as the natural stage of historical evolution and as the most efficient way of governing the modern world’s society. On the other hand, comparing it with â€Å"the iron cage† he underlined the drawbacks of bureaucratic machine and highly rational approach to life, and admitted that as a result we live in a â€Å"polar night of icy darkness." Bureaucratic approach being recognized as the out-of-date management style, the modern society tries to adopt new methods of work. Yet, work continues remaining highly rationalized. Weber’s â€Å"social action.† To understand Weber’s concept fully, one should turn to his methodology, throwing light at the way of Weber’s thinking. Weber based his methodology on the category of the ideal type, which is the interest of the epoch, â€Å"a utopia,† expressed in a form of theoretical construction, a scheme. This ideal type helps to understand the common rules of the events, proving basis for economic, esthetic and moral values of people. With the help of understanding, a sociologist should examine the actions of an individual, who puts some sense into all of his actions. An individual’s actions become social actions conditioned by two factors: subjective motivation and orientation towards others. This orientation towards others makes an action a social action. Social action can be carried out only by individuals. To understand the social processes taking place in a state, a family, or any other social group, it is necessary t o understand the motives of actions of the separate individuals composing the examined social group. Yet, understanding is not sufficient for a deep insight into social processes. Rational actions should serve the instrument of sociology. Weber offers a typology of social actions based on

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Consumer behavior about the target-based internet market in China Dissertation

Consumer behavior about the target-based internet market in China - Dissertation Example 14 Abstract This research focuses on the determination of the factors influencing target-based internet marketing in China. The researcher focuses on the use of the said target-based internet markets as well as the perceptions of the consumers in the People’s Republic of China. In order to determine this, this study undertakes the quantitative approach, focusing on the use of the survey questionnaire method in collecting pertinent data with respect to the same. 1- Background of Dissertation Research Various conditions emphasize the effects of the growth of the internet on marketing in the People’s Republic of China. Undeniably, this is directly linked to the experience of the consumers. Various researchers have suggested that the consumer market in China has only developed in the last ten years. This thus means that the traditional manner by which the Westerners shop is absent in China. In this sense, online shopping is easier to instill in the Chinese consumer as compa red with their Western counterparts as there is no habitual behavior that marketers may change. This is also true in relation to the consumption of information with respect to brands, focusing on how the consumers in China learn about products and brands. From the perspective of marketing communication, it is highlighted that the impact of online information is very high in China. Undoubtedly, the internet provides the Chinese citizens with open and unregulated alternative to media channels that were traditionally used. 2- Aim, Research Questions and Objective of the Dissertation 2.1- Aim of the Dissertation The researcher aims to solicit the behavior of customers with respect to the prevalence of target-based internet markets. In view of the same, the researcher also aims to look into the various reasons behind the consumer’s preference for target-based internet markets. 2.2- Research Questions of the Dissertation This research also aims to answer the following research ques tions: 1. How do consumers feel about target-based internet markets? 2. What are the factors that contribute to the good perceptions of consumers with respect to target-based internet markets? 3. Why do consumers prefer target-based internet markets? 4. How do target-based internet markets influence the behavior of consumers with respect to intent to purchase? 2.3- Research Objectives The researcher also aims to address the following research objectives: 1. To determine how customers feel about target-based internet markets; 2. To look into the factors that contribute to the perceptions of consumers with respect to target-based internet markets; 3. To look into the reasons behind the consumers’ preference for target-based internet markets; and lastly, 4. To look into how target-based internet markets influence the behavior of consumers as regards the intent to purchase. 3- Indicative Literature Review 3.1- The Evolution of Advertising in the Internet Age This section of the l iterature review focuses on the evolution of the traditional role of advertising, most especially in the internet age, considering the fact that this literature review focuses on consumer behavior and target-based internet market. Shaver (2007) argues that in a rapidly evolving media environment, the success of the media and the companies depend on advertising revenues as well as those advertisers who make use of media in order to transcend information with respect to th

BDM midterm Essay Example for Free

BDM midterm Essay Ralph Edmund loves steak and potatoes. Therefore, he has decided to go on a steady diet of only these two foods for all his meals. Ralph realizes that this is not the healthiest diet, so he wants to make sure that he eats the right quantities of the two foods to satisfy some key nutritional requirements. He has obtained the following nutritional and costs data. The Oak Works is a family owned business that makes hand crafted dining room tables and chairs. They obtain the oak from a local tree farm, which ships them 2500 pounds of oak each month. Each table uses 50 pounds of oak while each chair uses 25 pounds of oak. The family builds all the furniture itself and has 480 hours of labour available each month. Each table or chair requires 6 hours of labour. Each table nets Oak Works $400 in profit, while each chair nets them $100 in profit. Since chairs are often sold with tables they want to produce at least twice as many chairs as tables. Formula a linear program to maximize profit.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Equilibrium level of national income and government expenditure

Equilibrium level of national income and government expenditure In an open economy, the circular flow model of national income consists of five sectors as shown in figure 1 below. Figure 1: Circular Flow of National Income in a Five Sector Model The figure above illustrates the five sector circular flow model, which can be described as a model based on income flows from one sector of the economy to another in a circular flow motion, which explains the level of national income. The main sectors of the economy include households and firms. In the two sector model consisting only of households and firms, the economy is always at equilibrium. That is Income (Y) is always equal to consumption (C). However, the economy cannot be limited only to these two sectors. The effects of banks, government and international trade must be taken into consideration. These three sectors bring about withdrawals and injections. The financial sector mobilises savings (S) from households and makes investments (I) to firms. The government sector collects taxes (T) from households and makes expenditure (G) on firms. Finally, in the balance of payments sector, part of household income is spent on imports (M) while some revenue is received as exports (X). Since the two sector model always results to equilibrium, any distortion in equilibrium will result from the impact of the other three sectors. From the figure above, the national income is given by: Y = C +S+T+M à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ (I+G+X) For equilibrium to be achieved, total leakages must be equal to total injections. That is, S+T+M = I+G+X. Therefore, the equilibrium level of national income is simply given by: Y=C. The Keynesian cross model shows how consumption is determined. Under normal conditions, households will consume all goods and services produced. In this case, consumption will be exactly equal to income. This is represented by the 45 degree line in figure 2 below. Keynes noted that the relationship between consumption and income could not be perfect as the one depicted by the 45 degree line. He noted that not everybody in the economy earns income but everybody consumes. Therefore, there is a certain amount of consumption that does not depend on income and a certain amount that depends on income. From the foregoing, Keynes suggested the following consumption function (Mankiw, 2009: 497): Where = constant is defined as the consumption that does not depend on income; c is the slope of the consumption function referred to as the marginal propensity to consume. The marginal propensity to consume lies between 0 and 1. This indicates that consumption increases as income increases but the rate of increase in consumption is not as much as the rate of increase in income (Mankiw, 2009: 496). Figure 2: The Keynesian Cross 450 Consumption (C) National income (Y) Y* According to the Keynesian cross model, the equilibrium level of national income Y* is achieved at the point where the consumption function intersects the 45-degree line. At this point, all income that is earned is consumed. This is also the point where the desired level of spending is equal to the national income (Suranovic, 2005). Aggregate demand (AD) is the total or aggregate expenditure of final goods and services in an economy over a given period of time say one fiscal year. The aggregate demand is represented depending on whether it is a closed or open economy. For an open economy, the aggregate demand is given by: Y = AD = C+I+G+X-M For a closed economy, the aggregate demand is given by: Y = AD = C+I+G In the closed economy case, X-M is considered to be zero since there are neither imports nor exports. The aggregate demand curve is downward sloping. It shows the relationship between the quantity of real GDP demanded and the price level (Parkin, 2009: 324). The AD curve is as shown in the figure below. Figure 3: Aggregate Demand (AD) Curve AD Price Level (P) National income (Y) Aggregate supply (AS) refers to the aggregate or total supply of final goods and services or real GDP in an economy over a given period of time. The national income or real GDP is given by: Y = GDP = C+I+G+X-M. Unlike the AD curve, the AS curve is upward sloping. It shows the relationship between aggregate supply of final goods and services and price levels. This is represented in figure 4 below. AS Price Level (P) National income (Y)Figure 4: Aggregate Supply (AS) Curve Figure 5: Aggregate Demand-Aggregate Supply Framework (Macroeconomic Equilibrium) AS Price Level (P) National income (Y) Y* P* AD Macroeconomic equilibrium is defined as a situation where aggregate demand and aggregate supply are equal without any tendency for change (Chiang and Wainwright, 2005: 30). At this point a given price level ensures that the final goods and services demand is exactly equal to the final goods and services supplied. As shown in figure 5 above, this price level is referred to as the equilibrium price level (P*) and the real GDP or national income at this price level is the equilibrium level of national income (Y*). At this level of national income, the aggregate supply curve intersects the aggregate demand curve. Multiplier effect caused by an Increase in Government Expenditure From the circular flow model above, a multiplier effect from government expenditure will lead to an increase in government expenditure. Firms will increase investment in capital goods, employment will increase, and wages will increase. The increase in wages will lead to an increase in consumption, savings and taxes. Both imports and exports will also increase. In the long-run, the total amount of leakages will exactly equal the total amount of injections. There will be an overall increase in national income and the equilibrium level of national income will be higher than before. Using the Keynesian Cross, an increase in government expenditure will result to an increase in national income through increases in wages, consumption, savings, investment, imports and exports. 450 Consumption (C) National income (Y) Y* Y1* As income rises, the average propensity to consume (APC) which measures slope of the line from the origin to the consumption function will decrease (Mankiw, 2007: 497). This will lead to an increase in the equilibrium level of national income from Y1*. AS Price Level (P) National income (Y) Y* P* AD AD1 AS2 In the AD/AS model, an increase in government expenditure will result to an increase in aggregate demand. An increase in aggregate demand will motivate firms to increase investment. Employment will increase leading to an increase in wages. Savings will increase as well as taxes. In addition imports and exports will rise. The overall effect will be an increase in aggregate supply and aggregate demand. This will result to a rightward shift in the aggregate demand and supply curves as shown in figure 6 below. Consumer Confidence If consumer confidence is high, people tend to consume more of current income. In the circular flow model, the multiplier effect will be higher if consumer confidence is high. That is the respond to an increase in government spending will be higher than the case would be if consumer confidence is low. Households will consume more of their current levels of income as they anticipate an increase in future income. In like manner, firms will increase investment, employment will increase, and savings will reduce. Moreover, taxes will increase as well as imports and exports. In the Keynesian cross model, consumer confidence will lead to an increase in the marginal propensity to consume. People will be willing to consume more of their current incomes as they anticipate increases in future incomes. In terms of the AS/AD framework, a higher consumer confidence will lead to a significant increase in aggregate demand. This will in turn result to higher rates of investment spending, taxes, imports and exports. The overall impact will be a rightward shift in the AS and AD curves to establish a new equilibrium level of national income.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Anti-Italian American Prejudice and Discrimination

Anti-Italian American Prejudice and Discrimination Mezzogiorno Nearly three-fourths of all Italian immigrants to the United States came from the southernmost provinces of Italy. Known as Il Mezzogiorno, it was the countrys most impoverished region, with the illiteracy rate at a staggering 70 percent in 1900, and longstanding oppression from Italys Northern-dominated government. Southern Italian economy relied on agriculture, but natural disasters of volcano eruptions and earthquakes in the early 20th century devastated what little cultivatable land there was (Mintz, 2007). Unable to sustain tolerable living conditions, most became migrant workers. Between the years of 1876 and 1924, nearly 5 million Italians arrived in the United States (Pozzetta, 2008). About one-fourth remained in New York City, while more than half settled in the middle Atlantic states and New EnglandMany Italian immigrants had no plans of establishing permanent homes in the United States. Most were young men who left behind their wives and children with hopes of brief absenc e-they would find employment, collect their pay, and return home. They lived prudently in conditions that were regarded as intolerable by ordinary American families (Mintz, 2007). Commonly working unskilled jobs in construction and public development, roughly half of the Italian immigrant population in the early 1900s was made up of manual laborers (Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia, 2009). Although the United States appealed to emigrating Italians as the best prospective destination to find work, Gambino (2002) asserts that American industry sought immigrants to replace the emancipated slave class. Many Italian immigrants in the North took positions in sweatshops and factories, while others were recruited to work on Southern plantations where slave labor had since been abolished (LaGumina, 1999). However, those in larger urban areas often found dominance in skilled artisan trades they had once practiced in Italy, such as shoemaking, tailoring, and barbering (Pozzetta, 2008). Th ough still generally confined to a lower class, many Italian immigrants found solidarity in highly concentrated ethnic neighborhoods (Mangione Morreale, 1993). Little Italies The emergence of Little Italies was prompted in large part by the intolerance and hostility that Italian immigrants faced in mainstream American society (Pozzetta, 2008). A working class minority that was defined by some as not quite white (Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia, 2009), or the missing link between black and white (Borsella, 2005), they often faced discrimination in housing opportunities. Italian immigrants themselves were slow to seek assimilation because traditionally, la famiglia (the family) and lordine della famiglia (the rules of behavior and responsibility to the family) came before any affiliation with a larger-scale community (Mintz, 2007). This resistance began to fade as subsequent generations strayed from the strict codes of their parents. With the dawn of World War II, more than 500,000 Italian Americans served in the U.S. military, proving to many that their loyalties to the country were strong. By the 1950s it seemed that Italian immigrants, now secure i n identifying as Italian Americans, had found a true home in the United States (Pozzetta, 2008). Anti-Italian prejudice however, though less pronounced, still endured. Dating back to the early 20th century and the apex of the groups immigration, society and popular culture have attached a number of stereotypes to Italian Americans. Arguably the most distinctive stereotype is that of association with La Cosa Nostra, or the American Mafia (Pozzetta, 2008). Released in 1972, the critically-acclaimed and wildly popular film The Godfather became the archetype of Hollywoods Mafia movie industry, depicting Italian Americans as ruthless criminals, a label that had long vilified their ethnic identity. Many Italian Americans, after having fought the stereotype for decades, came to embrace the Mafia image that had captivated American moviegoers and provided a highly profitable new avenue for filmmakers. The 1990s introduced the film Goodfellas (1990) and the television series The Sopranos (199 9), both of which reinforced the hardcore gangster image (Borsella, 2005). Other predominant Italian American stereotypes in film and television often still include the feisty young woman with a taste for gaudy fashion, the lovable womanizer, and the overweight matriarch with excessive jewelry and a pot of spaghetti (Pozzetta, 2008). Nonnina Although I identify more with American culture in my everyday life, I do embrace my Italian American heritage.In some sense, I connect with my roots in an Americanized way, and I have no problem in laughing at the some of the stereotypes that accompany it. A few mob movies are actually among my favorites. Though I know authentic Italian cuisine, I do enjoy eating at Olive Garden and ordering deliveries from Pizza Hut once in a while.I still call my grandmother Nonni, which is short for nonnina, a term affectionately meaning little grandmother.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Rites of Passage Essay -- essays papers

Rites of Passage Every day someone enters into a rite of passage whether it be by starting school, a new job, marriage, a confirmation or communion rites of passage are common place. Two totally different cultures have totally different rituals and rites of passage. The Apache would most definitely have incredibly unique rituals compared to rural Maine and the catholic cultures therein. The best way to see the differences is to compare the two different cultures. Each ritual occurs in a holy place, the Apache on ritual grounds and the Confirmation rights at a specific congregation. The person who is about to participate in confirmation has gone to months of classes to prepare for this day, CCD it is titled and it is typically on a Sunday night at this particular congregation. The Apache girl has been well prepared as well, running and doing specific training exercises so that she will be ready for the grueling Sunrise Dance. In both societies the participant undergoes this ritual specifically because their parents and elders tell them to. They are too young to defy their parents or elders and submit basically because of the special knowledge that will somehow change them and prepare them for adulthood. The Apache girl has a godmother and godfather, which has no relation to her per say (blood relation), they are chosen based on their status in their society and they become a sort of guiding light for this girl during her Dance and adulthood all the way to when she is old and gray. The confirmation child has to choose his â€Å"sponsor† who is typically a relative or someone very special to him. This person also has a big part in the confirmation, guiding the child and being a big support center for the child. The reason for the Apache girl to start her Sunrise Dance is because of her first womanly cycle. She has a grueling task ahead of her when the Dance begins. She has a week of ritual ahead and much strenuous tasks. Her family, before participating must have about 10,000 dollars so that they can afford the gifts, food, etc. During the ritual the girl has absolutely no baths and isn’t allowed to touch herself except with a stick. She isn’t allowed to drink except with a straw. She is also allowed very little sleep during the week of her specific dance. During a specific part of the ritual her grandmother massages her body, which signifies a strong... sees the end of the ritual as a rebirth. Both societies, the Apache and the Catholic culture definitely view this as a rebirth. The Apache seems more special because of the individuality that ensues with the Sunrise Dance. Confirmation is a rebirth into adulthood, but not alone, you are supported by all your classmates and friends. The reason that any young child submits to authority, other than fear, is because they know and realize that they can achieve great knowledge by listening to them and abiding by their practices. Because, look where it got them, at least to the age they are! Ritual changes people for better or worse, either way a change has been made and you aren’t the same after the ritual ends. The Apache girl has something she can tell her grandkids about, she has a vivid incredible memory that will never leave her. The confirmed has a memory too, a family time that brings people together, and we all know we love family time regardless of what occurs within we are happy to see that aunt uncle, and cousin we haven’t seen in so long. Rituals are times that should bring people together and change them for the better, as well as prepare them for the long roads ahead.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Late April, Early May :: Personal Narrative Writing

Late April, Early May Eileen was special. At least, that's how all of the teachers described her. But all of the kids knew that saying she was "special" was really just a nice way of saying that she was handicapped, or retarded as most of the kids said. The problem with Eileen was that she wasn't completely retarded so she knew when she was being made fun of, which was often. Whenever I'd see her in the halls there would always be a string of kids behind her making jokes and doing impressions of her. She acted as if she didn't notice, but I could always tell from the look on her face that she heard them perfectly, and I could tell that it hurt. I had seventh period gym with Eileen. This is where, for the first time, I was able to see firsthand the torment and ridicule that Eileen had to go through. We were doing pull-ups on a large metal bar one day. When it was Eileen's turn to go, she got up on the bar, went down, and then began with all of her might to pull herself back up. All of the kids began to chuckle as she struggled terribly, all red in the face. It was at this point that we all saw something fall from Eileen's shorts and plop down on the floor beneath her. "She's shit herself," someone exclaimed. It was true. Eileen was pushing so hard trying to pull herself up that it came out right there in front of the entire class. After she had gotten down the class was still laughing hysterically. She looked more confused than embarrassed really. To be honest, I couldn't tell if she was indifferent about what had just happened or if she was horribly embarrassed but just didn't quite know how to react to the situation yet. She bolted out the door in tears just moments later. In the weeks following that incident I didn't see Eileen much. Maybe she couldn't handle coming back to school so soon after what had happened, or maybe I was just lucky enough to have a break from seeing her being constantly belittled and mocked. Not that anyone would ever admit that they really cared, but during those weeks I heard a few kids inquire as to where she was. I think that people liked having her around because she was almost like a safety net for them.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Rehabilitation Of Multi Level Surgery Health And Social Care Essay

Multilevel surgery ( MLS ) is employed to pull off multiple joint malformations in kids with intellectual paralysis. No studies exist associating to the community-based rehabilitation issues that affect the MLS results. Therefore, we retrospectively analysed instance studies of 3 kids who had undergone MLS comparing their pre and station operative pace and motor maps utilizing Gross Motor Functional Measures ( GMFM ) and Edinburg Visual Gait Scores ( EVGS ) that are simple clinical result steps instead than instrumented pace analysis. All kids achieved independent standing within 1 twelvemonth postoperatively. They all experienced neuropathic and complex regional hurting syndrome ( CRPS ) following surgery and later developed stringency in iliopsoas, hamstring and IT bands. Each had trunk hypotonus, which hindered nucleus stableness and compromised their pace and position. It was observed that bole hypotonus, CRPS, nervus stretching hurting, return of stringency and decreased nucleus stableness negatively affected pace. EVGA appeared more sensitive to observe alterations in functional betterment than GMFM following MLS, hence EVGS can used in the community to quantify alterations in pace after MLS.IntroductionCerebral paralysis ( CP ) , a non-progressive cardinal nervous system ( CNS ) disorder bounds normal motor development and contributes to postural abnormalcies ( ref ) . Primary damages seen in kids with CP are increased musculus tone and failing ( 1 ) leads to development of myostatic contractures and secondary skeletal tortuosity malformations ( 2 ) . Such contractures are typically managed with surgery in order to heighten mobility and map. Multi degree surgery ( MLS ) , an orthopedic attack to surgically realine unnatural articulation angles is performed with an purpose to bettering pace in ambulatory kids with CP. It has been defined as a process affecting one or both limbs, including at least three articulations ( 3-5 ) . Following MLS, important betterment in the pace and kinematics are observed with instrumented pace analysis, which include care of articulatio genus musculus power ( 6 ) , increased power coevals at hip and mortise joint, increased pelvic joust and articulatio genus scope of motion ( ROM ) and improved ankle map ( 7 ) , gait velocity, stance limb stableness and an unhampered swing stage of the opposite limb ( 8 ) . However, instrumented pace analysis is non executable in the community, hence, clinician require simple and cost-efficient and simple result steps. Gross Motor Functional Measures ( GMFM ) and Edinburg Visual Gait Score ( EVGS ) that are simple to measure hold been found to possess good dependability and cogency in kids with CP ( 9-12 ) . However, to our cognition there is no literature analyzing issues related to the postoperative rehabilitation following MLS within the community such as postural tone and return of stringency for kids with CP indicated by GMFM and EVGS. A s there is limited figure of kids with CP treated with MLS we retrospectively analysed 3 instance studies and investigated the factors that influenced results whilst being treated within a community scene.Case studiesFrom 2005 to 2006, three male kids diagnosed with spastic diplegic CP from Cambridgeshire Community Services had MLS. They underwent extended postoperative physical therapy for at least one twelvemonth. Two hebdomads after MLS, they were discharged from infirmary and re-admitted 6-8 hebdomads subsequently for 2 hebdomads of intensive physical therapy intervention. Initial rehabilitation in the community was commenced from 3rd hebdomad and focused on obtaining full scope of inactive motion, in add-on to deriving strength and motor control in the operated limbs. Our kids were treated twice hebdomadally for the first 4 months, whilst the frequence of farther therapy ( for up to 1 twelvemonth ) was dictated by the persons rate of patterned advance in motor public presentati on. Subsequently, they were reviewed at 3-4 months intervals and ongoing rehabilitation was directed toward specific job work outing as they arose. All kids reached their pre-operative functional degree within 12 months following MLS. All these topics were assessed in the community utilizing GMFM and EVGS prior to and 4 old ages after MLS. ( table- 1 ) .Case 1JD, a 12 twelvemonth old athleticss oriented male child with normal evident knowledge and go toing mainstream school had undergone strength continuing MLS integrating bilateral femoral derotation osteotomy, bilateral medial hamstring release, bilateral rectus femur transportation, bilateral prolongation of gastrocnemius and prolongation of right adductors. Community-based physical therapy rehabilitation programme was commenced from the 3rd hebdomad post- surgery. Full ROM was achieved in all articulations after 2 months but deficiency of hip and knee active extension at the terminal scope associated with increased sympathetic a ctivity and hypersensitivity in the pess limited the gait of rehabilitation. He suffered from complex regional hurting syndrome ( CRPS ) between the 2nd and 4th month and was treated with anodynes. He achieved independent standing after 5 months, progressed to walk without splints ( immature pace ) by the 7th month whilst return of bilateral stringency in the hamstrings and TA was noted at 10th months. JD continued to hold trunk hypotonicity and his returns of hamstring and ( iliotibial set ) ITB stringency and hip extensor failing were managed through supervised exercising programme at place and school. JD discontinued leg splints and his limb length disagreement ( LLD ) was managed with a shoe rise. A important betterment in pace and position following MLS was achieved and this was supported through EVGS mark and the disappearing of spasticity reflected by normal articulatio genus and mortise joint physiological reactions.Case 2JS, a 15 twelvemonth old male child with mild larning troubles go toing particular school had undergone a individual event MLS integrating bilateral Intramuscular psoas prolongation, adductor longus prolongation, bilateral hamstring lengthening without rectus femur transportations, bilateral transdermal prolongation of the Achilles sinew. After initial discharge from infirmary he was readmitted for 2 farther hebdomads due to unbearable nervus stretching hurting and was treated with anodynes. He was really dying, lacked dark slumber and his parents found it difficult to get by up with his hurting. Despite medicines his sudden and self-generated pes hurting and hypersensitivity prevented his active engagement in therapy Sessionss. Consecutive bivalved projecting to stretch hamstring musculuss was performed at the beginning of the 4th month from which point the relentless hurting decreased but persisted till the 6th month. JS stood and walked independently by the seventh month. Trunk hypotonus limited his unsloped position and a subseque nt development of hamstring and ITB stringency was noted at the 9th month. Despite regular therapy hamstring stringency has progressed farther but he has maintained independent mobility. The GMFM station surgery mark showed little impairment but the EVGS demonstrated an improved pace mark.Case 3MT, a 13 twelvemonth old male child with limited motive go toing mainstream school had undergone initial left femoral derotation osteotomy a month before MLS. MLS incorporated left hamstring prolongation, left rectus femur transportation, left transdermal TA prolongation and right vulpius slide. Following surgery MT experienced leg nervus stretching hurting, CRPS in the left pes and he was treated with anodynes. He was made to partly weight bear with splints at the tenth hebdomad and he walked within a parallel saloon at the beginning of the 6th month. Independent standing was reached at 7th month but unsloped position and independent mobility was delayed due to miss of full articulatio genus extension scope, bole hypotonus, hapless nucleus stableness, LLD and sustained failing in hip, articulatio genus and mortise joint musculuss. A spinal stableness wrap and an exercising programme to stretch tight musculuss to better nucleus stableness provided limited betterment in position. MT had hapless ankle stableness due to pick pronation after MLS and this was managed with AFOs. After 1 twelvemonth he developed hip and articulatio genus flexor stringency and began to utilize an cubitus crutch.Discussion:Muscle tone: All three kids had trunk hypotonicity and they re-established their crookback position after MLS. Spinal humpback is positively associated with posterior pelvic joust and the corresponding development of stringency in hip and articulatio genus flexor musculuss. Despite regular physical therapy, topics developed moderate stringency in both hamstring and iliopsoas musculuss. MLS is focused upon rectification of spasticity-related biomechanical abnormalcies and it wa s ill-defined that bole hypotonus and its consequence on position and mobility had been taken into consideration before MLS. Borghuis et Al ( 2008 ) suggested that reduced nervous thrust leads to the development of active stiffness and co-contraction in bole musculuss, thereby impacting nucleus stableness ( 13 ) . It is proposed that CP kids who have trunk hypotonia set up postural stableness through selective stiffness of hip flexors muscles that triggers perennial stringency in iliopsoas followed by hamstring musculuss within 1 twelvemonth after MLS. Consistent with this hypothesis we observed that the badness of bole hypotonus has a negative influence on rehabilitation result of MLS reflected through decreased pelvic stableness and hapless position. It is interesting to observe that one topic demonstrated normal articulatio genus and mortise joint dork physiological reactions following MLS that incorporated musculus angle resetting, bespeaking normal musculus profile in spastic m usculuss. This observation supports the impression that spasticity, a gravitation dependent CNS characteristic tends to switch its kineticss if musculus orientation changed. It is further supported by the observation of Patikas et Al ( 2007 ) that the EMG form of lower limb musculuss were comparatively normalised following MLS ( 14 ) . However, this was non the instance in the other two topics in which there were no alterations in stretch physiological reaction responses. This could be due to inadequate prolongation of hamstring that compromised the orientation of musculus pull angle following MLS, hence no alterations in musculus tone. Stringency: Complete articulatio genus extension was non surgically obtained in two kids and undistinguished betterments in articulatio genus extension was attained through consecutive casting. This resulted in trouble in accomplishing unsloped position and they retained little flexure in the hips and articulatio genuss during weight bearing. This places quadriceps musculuss in weak and automatically deprived place against the sawed-off hamstring musculuss. It may besides restrict the chances for sarcomeres lengthening of developing and wasted vastus medialis due to deficient articulatio genus extension scope even after MLS. These topics took longer to accomplish independent mobility, developed hamstring stringency and scored lower in EVGS postoperatively. This is in understanding with Gannotti ( 2007 ) , who reported development of stringency and impairment of motor accomplishments following MLS in kids with CP ( 15 ) . The other topic who had full articulatio genus extension in one leg and mild articulatio genus flexure in the other leg showed important betterment in pace position and map, proposing that accomplishing complete articulatio genus extension surgically is a important factor for better long-run MLS results. On the contrary, Adolfsen et Al ( 2007 ) reported hyperextension of articulatio genus in mid-stance following MLS in his survey and questioned the indicants for hamstring prolongation ( 16 ) . Our observation back up the position that complete articulatio genus extension is indispensable for the better result following MLS. Development of ITB stringency in MLS topics has non reported earlier and we found that all our topics developed stringency in ITB along with hamstring musculuss which had an inauspicious consequence on their position and pelvic stableness. Previous research in both normal and athletic topics reported back hurting, ITB clash syndrome and other biomechanical abnormalcies followed by ITB stringency ( 17 ) , Therefore, we extend this to kids with CP & A ; acirc ; ˆâ„ ¢s after MLS and suggest that integrating ITB stretching from the early phases of physical rehabilitation following MLS is be important to gait sweetening. As kids grow older, increased return rate of imposter myostatic contracture due to growing jet and the corresponding residuary pathological force generated in their weak spastic musculuss was observed. It is critical to keep musculus length and go oning regular stretching exercising programme to understate the return of stringency. Pain: Complex regional hurting syndrome ( CRPS ) is a common postoperative complication in lower limb surgery ( 18,19 ) . Two kids displayed CRPS symptoms which limited their cooperation and early weight bearing. All kids experienced neuropathic hurting and two of them experienced self-generated leg hurting discharge associated with intermittent cramp that lasted for at least 4 months following surgery. Lauder GR and White MC ( 2005 ) in their instance surveies acknowledged CRPS following MLS saying that TENS was a utile mode to pull off neuropathic hurting ( 20 ) . However, the current survey topics were neither orientated nor introduced to TENS postoperatively alternatively used anodynes for hurting alleviation. TENS could be a utile and cost effectual intervention mode to pull off postoperative hurting and CRPS in pediatric population in a community scene and this demand to be studied farther. Cognitive degree of topics was a factor finding the MLS result. Poor knowledge negatively affected their therapy programme conformity, motive to fall in with equals, hurting tolerance and engagement in early dynamic strength preparation exercisings. For case, a kid who was immature and had normal knowledge showed better consequences than an older opposite number with mild larning troubles. Outcome steps: All topics showed little alterations in GMFM mark but the positive betterment is relatively higher with EVGS. Although the GMFM has good inter and intra-rater dependability in CP ( 21,10 ) , the single dimensions of GMFM were non sensitive plenty to observe alterations in motor map in kids with CP ( Josenby, 2009 ) . Our observation suggests that GMFM may non be a suited tool to quantify the betterment after MLS for those who already scored more than 90 % preoperatively. We found EVGS a clinically utile and easy tool to objectively detect alterations in pace parametric quantities within the community. Therefore we propose that utilizing EVGS as an result steps in MLS may help the clinicians in the community to quantify the betterment in pace. Further research is required to find the sensitiveness, dependability and cogency of EVGS in MLS.Decision:From this instance analyze the writers observed that bole hypotonus, return of stringency in hamstring, IT set and iliopsoas and CRPS has an inauspicious consequence on kids who had undergone MLS. Despite this, all the kids showed betterment in mobility and the EVGS found to be a utile clinical appraisal tool than the GMFM to quantify gait betterment in the community. These decisions were drawn from a little group of kids, hence, farther probe of these factors and the usage of EVGS in MLS is required to find the rehabilitation result in the community. Table. 1. Pre and station operative GMFM and EVGS mark for each kid. EVGS GMFM Pre-operative Post-operative Pre- operative ( % ) Post- operative ( % ) Right Left Right Left JD 23 21 7 6 96.9 98.4 Joule 23 24 13 18 96.3 96.2 Meitnerium 19 21 17 15 93.0 96.0 Mean 21.7 22 12.3 13 95.4 96.9

Difference Between Single & Married People Essay

Today, there are a lot of significant numbers of people who are married and some are single. This has changed their lives and gives differences between their lives. In this essay, I am going to compare and contrast the differences between single people’s lives and married people’s lives in their lifestyle, companionship, and responsibility. Some things in life are going to be good, regardless of whether you are single or married, and some things will be the opposite. There are advantages and disadvantages to both. The two areas that differ in married and single life are compromise and sharing of possessions. Lifestyle is the first difference between single and married people’s lives. Single people have much more privacy in their life. They are not bothered by anybody in their home. Nobody will demand that they sleep late, not watch movies too much and so on. And, single people can live a free life too. They can spend their time with their friends anywhere and anytime they want. In contrast, married people are bothered by their partner. They have to take care of their children and their partner. They cannot live a free life. If they want to go out with their friends, they must get permission from their partner first before they go. Married people are busier compared to single people, because married people have to take care of their children and their partner, unlike single people who do not have children and partner. Companionship is the next difference between single and married people’s lives. A husband depends on his wife, and a wife depends on her husband. Support is easily achieved from their partners, parents and their children, unlike single people who do not depend on anybody in this world. They cannot trust anyone to share their secrets and other important parts of their life except their parents. Support can be achieved only from their parents and their friends. Read more:Â  Married vs Single Responsibility is the last difference between single and married people’s lives. Married people have to manage their money and expenses gently and economically every day. They are also responsible for raising their children and guiding their families. If they cannot guide their family in the right way, their family can be broken and maybe ruined their lives. Married people are also responsible for managing their time. They have to spend their time with their children, husband or wife every day. In contrast, people who remain single do not have a schedule, they do not have any children or partners to guide and they are less responsible with their money and daily expenses. In conclusion, lifestyle, companionship, and responsibility are the three main differences between single people and married people’s lives. So is single life comfort and married life pleasure? Some people prefer to be single, others prefer marriage. Although there are reasonable advantages to both lifestyles, both lifestyles can be equally rewarding.

Friday, August 16, 2019

A Comparison and Contrast Discussion between the Reading

Women are viewed differently by men in the society today. There are certainly those who are able to view women as delicate vases while there are those who simply see them as material slaves who are supposed to serve and not be served in return, these differentiating view of women has been the focal point of the presentation of the major issues with regards women attention and treatment as per shown through the readings prepared by Kincaid and Wright.Comparison and Contrast  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Starting off with Kincaid’s â€Å"Girl†, she pointed out how particular cultures treat women as mere slaves. Someone who needs to be instructed on how to do things as they are actually expected to accomplish such duties for those whom they are supposed to serve [including their husbands and their families]. It seems like as if, it is through the accomplishment of these duties that they are given the rightful respect that they are due in the house and within the community that they are living in.Everything a girl is for is for the sake of her family and the ones she loves. At some point, some women today are living in this particular trend of treatment as received from their mates as well as from their families. Sadly though, only a few are able to realize that women ought to have their own voices, able to do what they really want to do for the sake of personal growth while accomplishing the tasks that they are expected to complete.Furthermore, no matter what tradition suggests, women are supposed to be viewed as complementary individuals for the success that men are particularly aiming for and not simply the slave driven to follow rules and instructions for better service to the people that they ought to love as women.For this reason, the selection â€Å"Flight† by Wright shows a different version of women treatment that is quite more pleasing than the previous explanation. In this selection, the author points out that he is in dire need of his mate that h e has made her the source of his life. He actually noted that he longed for her companionship and would thus trade anything else just to have her back beside him to share with him the life that they both planned to enjoy back then.Sadly though, there are only a few kinds of men today who would really see women in this manner. However, with the existence of true love and respect, the situation becomes much bearable to deal with.True, women are individuals wanting and needing of attention and respect. They are well aware that they are rather expected to complete different tasks in the house for their mates and their families as well.However, this is not an indication that they are then supposed to carry the burden of being disrespected although they are already doing the best of their efforts to complete their responsibilities as women of their families and their societies as well.It is never easy being a woman. Especially during this era of modernization, everything with regards the role of woman in the society and the family has already changed. It seems as if the responsibilities have changed.Moreover, the situation has already been rearranged by the fact that women now are not only expected to stay at home and do the chores, instead, they are now expected to become highly competitive as they are also expected to work long hours for money for the sake of their families. Imagine the huge amount of responsibilities that women particularly need to carry upon their shoulders, yet they continue to endure the hard times of life as it faces them.Overall Reaction to the ReadingsIf observed closely, the writings of Wright and Kincaid actually pertain to a gradual pattern of realization. Kincaid simply places an emphasis on how women are trained to be accustomed to the responsibilities that they are to face as they grow towards maturity while the writings of Wright uses the situation to be the basis of the thought of actually finding the right reasons to support a woma n and be her strength as a major source of inspiration for her to have the capability of completing her tasks well.ConclusionUnderstandably, the matter depends on the society’s realization of how women actually contributes to the progress of the society as a mother, as a wife, a friend and a worker. Recognizing the importance of women’s existence in this manner would indeed empower the people in becoming more respective and fine-mannered towards the treatment that they imply to the women in their own communities.Source:Jamaica Kincaid. â€Å"Girl†. (January 28, 2008).Franz Wright – Flight. (January 28, 2008).

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Cross-Cultural Work Environments

Naeja Silar January 14, 2012 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Unit 1 Assignment Organizational Theory: Cross-Cultural Work Environments I will be researching a theory on the analysis of cross-cultural management style and structure. In researching this theory, it will help managers in a multinational company, or work environment, interact with employees of a diverse background. In understanding, and getting a better idea of how cultures interact in workplace environments, the manager can be more productive and avoid various types of confrontations that may ultimately hurt productivity. Analyzing the management styles and cultures of the world will enable managers to understand the ideas of different cultures. By understanding the reasoning behind each culture behavior, there will be less room for inaccurate generalizations, fewer generalizations will make sure managers, working in a diverse work environment have greater success. However, with the constant view of diversity in the workplace, all mangers should participate in a cross-cultural management training course, as well as employees. In researching this theory, the main focus is the business style of various cultures in the workplace environment. Examining different types of behavioral patterns will reveal the different cultural frames, and perceptions within a diverse work environment. Understanding the different perceptions of the different cultures will lead to close interpersonal relations, and productive communication. Cross-cultural management research is derived from the study of the behavior of people in diverse organizations. The United States has always been in the forefront of the development of management theory, practice, and research; because of the current internationalization of business in the United States, they should be leading the development of a cross-cultural perspective to management. (Adler, 1983) In the earlier studies of cross cultural management, the approach was to transfer advanced management practices, techniques, and methods. The field of cross-cultural studies on organizational functioning is a result of partial integration between the cross-cultural comparative management field and organization theory areas. The economic development approach to comparative management research is one of the early methods used for cross-cultural management study. It is found that managerial input plays an important role in achieving economic development, this approach focuses on the basic trends of managerial development, rather than the analysis of organizational practices. (Negandhi, 1983) The role of culture is said to be the most accurate approach to exploring and comparing management and organizational styles. One of the most basic issues in cross-cultural management research is to determine what extent culture impacts an individual’s behavior within the workplace. Various cultures emphasize dimensions differently, and these are demonstrated in contrastive managerial behaviors. Identifying the four aspects of culture that have specific implications for the workplace is a very important task, and these implications include power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism, and masculinity. An example of each are as follows, power distance, leadership can be looked at as informal and loose, this is due to the fact that employees do not see their superiors as that far ahead of them on the social scale. Uncertainty avoidance measures the extent to which people in a organization tend to feel threatened by uncertain, ambiguous, risky, or undefined situations. The importance of individualism is the evidence suggesting that differences among this dimension of culture account for major differences in managerial assumptions and practices. On the dimension of masculinity, it is understood that the masculine cultures are defined as being assertive, valuing achievement, and loathing failure. On the opposite extreme, a feminine culture is characterized by the favoring of nurturing roles, interdependence between people and caring for others. In concluding this cross-cultural management research, its main focus is the description of organizational behavior within countries and cultures, and most importantly on the interaction of peoples from different countries working within the same organization or work environment. Increased multinational operations means increased diversity within the organization. In participating in this cross-cultural management research, and there would be a higher degree of interaction between employees and managers from different cultures. Reference Citations * Adler, Nancy J. â€Å"Cross-Cultural Management Research†, The Academy of Management Review, (April, 1983) * Hall, Edward T. â€Å"Understanding Cultural Differences† New York: Doubleday & Company (August, 1990) * Negandhi, Anant R. Cross-Cultural Management Research: Trend and Future Directions† Journal of International Business Studies, (August, 1983) * Kelley, Lane & Worthley, Reginald â€Å"The Role of Culture in Comparative Management: â€Å"A Cross-Cultural Perspective† The Academy of Management Journal, (March, 1981) * Hall, Edward T. â€Å"Beyond Culture† New York: Anchor Press, 1983 * Adler, Nancy J. â€Å"A Typology of Management Studies Involving Culture† Journa l of International Business Studies http://links. jstor. org